Monday, 4 July 2016


As the crow flies, Dhaka isn’t far -
in fact just the other day, some of us
had got together, an evening of raucous
laughter and drinks later, hatched an idea
for a sunset safari at Cox’s Bazaar.
You can cross the borders now by train and bus,
but there are others near impossible to cross.
As the crow flies, Dhaka isn’t too far.
Nowhere is. And nowhere is far enough.

Both my parents were born in Dhaka in pre-Partition India. I have friends who live and work there, I have friends who were born there, I have family members who visit there often - this one has struck very close indeed.


  1. Crossing those borders can be as easy or hard as we let them be. Always move forward.

  2. Sometimes it is necessary to take a step back before we can move again @ Sheena

    Thanks, all!

  3. Thanks. @Nicola n the Silver Fox.
