The A-Z Challenges

Links on this page for all A-Z posts through the years. Rather a lot of links, rather a lot of posts...because I've been at the A-Z in some way or another for 11 years...unbelievable but true!

A-Z 2024 (Y11) 

Theme : Random travel photos 

A-Z 2023 (Y10)

Theme : Aspects of Fiji

A - Z 2022 (Y9)

I went themeless for 2022, just recorded a few of my experiences randomly as my husband and I relocated to Fiji in April. I didn't add my name to the master list.

April w/o the A-Z




A - Z 2021 (Y8 for M-i-V)

A-Z 2020 (Y7 for M-i-V, Y11 for the A-Z) 

I did not survive the 2020 Challenge, I withdrew halfway due to family circumstances. The posts were done and scheduled by then, however. As I wouldn't be able to return visits/comments, the comments here were disabled.

Theme : India in 26 Objects

A-Z 2020 Theme Reveal

A is for Ashok Stambha

B is for Buttons

C is for Charkha

D is for Dancing Girl

E is for Elephants

F is for Finial

G is for Games

H is for Himalayas

I is for Images

J is for Jaali

K is for Koh-i-Noor

L is for  Laquerwork Lookalike

M is for Marble Inlays

N is for Navy

O is for Oil Lamp

P is for Poster

Q is for Qawwali

R is for Ravi Shankar's sitar

S is for Space Exploration

T is for Tea

U is for Upanishads

V is for Vermilion

W is for Willow Wood (Tendulkar's Bat)

X is for St Xavier's casket

Y is for Yaksha

Z is for Zero

A-Z 2019 (Y6 for M-i-V, Y10 for the A-Z!)

Theme : Bengaliana

A-Z 2019...Theme Reveal 

A is for...April...A-Z...n...Arombho...the beginning 

B is for...Blood...Bengali...n...Bhasha Andolon 

C is for...Charnock...Calcutta...n...Controversies

D is for...Durgapuja...n...Drama

E is for...Estado...n...Europeans 

F is for...Formula...Flick...n...Friction 

G is for Great...Grub...n...Geeti 

H is for Herodotus...Handlooms...n...Hub 

I is for Insurgency...Inspiration...n...Independence

J is for Juice...Jewel...n...Jannat 

K is for Karigar...Kumbhakara...n...Kumortuli 

L is for Language...Lexicon...n...Loanwords 

M is for Music...Mystics...n...Melting pot 

N is for Navigating...the Nineteenth...N...Newspapers 

O is for Ocean...Obsession...Occupation...n...Overfishing 

P is for P-53...Paper...Precursors...n...Purabia  

Q is for Quaking...Quailing...n...Quivering 

R is for Renaissance...Reform...n Reasons 

S is for Sword...Sufi...Syncretic...n...Subcontinent 

T is for Terracotta...Temple...n... Textiles 

U is for Untrammelled...Uplifted...or Utterly screwed...I mean...skewed... 

V is for Voyagers...Vision...n...Vedanta 

W is for West Bengal...Why...When...n...What the Wreck happened here?? 

X is for Xikes!!!...Xrumbs!!!...Xood Xrief!!! 

Y is for Yatri...Yen...n...Yonder 

Z is for Zat's all, folks! 

A-Z Reflections 2019

Thanks to the A-Z creator and the team.

A-Z 2018 (Y5)

Theme : Africana

My tribute to Africa after spending life changing times there.

A-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

A is for A-Z...April...and...Africa

B is for Baskets...and...Butterflies

C is for Calabash...and...Chronology

D is for Diverse...

E is for Ebony...and...the biggie...the big E

F is for Fabrics...and...Facts...and..the twisting thereof

G is for Griot...and...G-pyramids

H is for History-Heavy...and...Hakuna Matata!

I is for Ishango...and...Instrument

J is for Jambo!...and ...Jewellery

K is for Kora...and...Kose

L is for Life...and...Lineage

M is for Music...Motherese...and...Motive

N is for Nok...and scarecrow Noggins...and an unfinished Narrative

O is for Old men...and...Olduvai

P is for Plantations...and Photographs

Q is for Qongqothwane...and...Qart-Hadasht

R is for Rai...and...Red ochre

S is for Safari...and...Songs...and...Slavery

T is for Tourism...and...Trophies

U is for Ugali...and...Ujamaa

V is for Valiha...and...Viticulture

W is for Wallets...and...Wifi

X is for Xalam...and...Xhosa

Y is for Yen...and...Yesteryears...and...Yankari

Z is for Ze End!

A-Z Reflections 2018

With a round of thanks and applause for the A-Z team

Arlee Bird (founder) @ Tossing it Out

J Lenni Dorner (captain) @ Blog of Author J Lenni Dorner

Zalka Csenge Virág @ The Multicolored Diary

Jayden R Vincente @ J R Vincente Erotica Writer

Jeremy Hawkins (graphics) @ Hollywood Nuts

A-Z 2017 (Y4)

Theme : Arabiana

My tribute to the Arablands on the completion of twenty years of living here

A-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

A is for Ahlan wa Sahlan fi A-Z Challenge

B is for Beiti Beitak!...Bahrain...

C is for Chai, Coffee...and...Calligraphy

D is for Diab...Dimashq...and...Dice...

E is for Enticing...

F is for Fairouz, the gem...and...Films...

G is for Girgis..Geography...and ...Glass...

H is for Hello!...Haddad...Helwa...and...Hammam...

I is for...Iwan...and...Image Issues...

J is for Jawad...and...Jordan...

K is for Keda keda!...and...Khayal el Zill...and...the Khan...

L is for Latifa...and ...Language...and...Loanwords...

M is for Ma'alish!...and...Music...and...Mashrabiya...

N is for Nourhanne...and...Nomads...

O is for Oum...and...Oman...

P is for...hang on, P? not legally Permitted...

Q is for...what else?...Qahira!

R is for... Roubi... and ...Riqq ... and ...Raqs Sharqi 

S is for...Stars!... of Several kinds...

T is for... Tanoura!

U is for... Unbelivable! ...and ...Universities...

V is for... Voices... and ...Vegetal

W is for... Women...and ... Wrong Impressions

X is Ashra... and... 'Xplorers

Y is for... Yellow... and ... Youthful

Z is for.... Zaghareet ...and ... Zellige

The Long And The Short Of It : A-Z Reflections

With a round of thanks and applause for the Creator of the Challenge

Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out

and the
Jeremy Hawkins @ Hollywood Nuts
Heather M. Gardner The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Zalka Csenge Virág @ The Multicolored Diary
John Holton @The Sound of One Hand Typing

J Lenni Dorner @ Blog of J. Lenni Dorner

Themed on Light n Limericky for the A-Z Challenge 2016 (Y3)..

A-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

A is for April...n A-Z...n Archie

B is for Buddha

C is for Caligula

D is for Daedalus 

F is for the French Way

G is for Gorgonzola and Gorgon

H is for Henry...the Heighth

I is for Isaac

J is for Job Descriptions

K is for Kepler

L is for Lucy

M is for Marie

N is for Nero

O is for Ocypete

P is for Pliny

Q is for Quake...which is what this post always makes me do

R is for Romulus

S is for Socrates

T is for Totaled

U is for Urban

V is for Virgil

W is for William

X is for Xerxes

Y is for Yuri

Z is for Zorba

A-ok and not Zero-sum :A-Z Reflections

My thanks to each and every one of the co-hosts of the A to Z Challengeand a special vote of thanks to the Ninja Captain this year for the chance at Minionship, and the bloggers who have visited, commented and kept the morale and the words soaring throughout. 

A to Z Team [2016]

Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
eremy Hawkins @ Hollywood Nuts
Damyanti Biswas @ Daily Write
Heather M. Gardner @ The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Author AJ Lauer
am Brown Margolis @ An Unconventional Librarian
Zalka Csenge Virág @ The Multicolored Diary
Joy Campbell @ The Character Depot
John Holton @The Sound of One Hand Typing


A-Z 2015 (Y2)

Links here to all my A-Z posts for 2015, themed on great poets and my verses in Response to them.

The Great A-Z Theme Reveal

A is for April...A-Z ...and Auden

B is for Brilliant...and Barghouti

C is for Cool...and Cummings ...and that's without any Controversy over Capitals

D is for Dazzling...and Delicate....and Darwish

E is for Eminent...and Exceptional...and Eliot

F is for a Focus...on Favourites...and Frost and Faiz

G is for Ghalib and his Ghazals

H is for  Heart-lifting ...and Heaney

I is for Inspirational...and Iconoclastic...and Ikkyu

J is for Joyful...and Journey....and Jong

K is for Knack....and Khalvati

L is for Leave...and Luck...and Legend...and Larkin

M is for Maverick....and Millay

N is for Nonpareil... and Neruda

O is for One and Only...and Outstanding...and Oliver

P is for Passionate...and Peerless...and Paz

Q is for Quality...Quicksilver...and Qabbani

R is for Remembrance...and Religious...and Rossetti

S is for Sensational... Seismic...and Shift...and Soyinka

T is for Towering...and Tagore

U is for Unequivocal...and Untermeyer

V is for Vibrant...Vocal...and Valentine

W is for Weekend...and Worry...and Well...and Williams

X is for Xenophobia....and Xaba

Y is for Yearning...and Yeates

Z is for Zeal... and Zilch... and Zafar

All done and Zonked out : A-Z reflections post

My thanks to each and every one of the co-hosts of the A to Z Challengeand a special vote of thanks to the Ninja Captain and the others who have visited, commented and kept the morale and the words soaring throughout. 

Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out
Jeremy @ Hollywood Nuts
Nicole Ayers @ The Madlab Post
Matthew MacNish @ The QQQE
Zalka Csenge Virág @ The Multicolored Diary
S. L. Hennessy @ Pensuasion
C. Lee McKenzie @ The Write Game
Joy Campbell @ The Character Depot
Susan Gourley @ Susan Says

A-Z 2014 (Y1)

Well, yes...phew!

Links below for my A-Z posts on exploring fixed form - my theme for the 2014 A-Z challenge.  

April is for A-Z...And poetry

Ballad-y : Bloody But unBowed

give the queen a Chance!

Dir(g)e and bereaveD

it's all grEEk to mE! EEk! said anything about easy

talkinG, flirtinG, flatterinG the Gals

like an epipHany

commIt thIs to memory

mostly Jolly

easier than the haiKu

comicaL or Lewd, either wiLL do

the saMe old but never Monotonous soMehow

what NoNseNse

favOurable Or what?

don't rinse but rePeat

did you Quake thinking of this post? of course not! Quite, me neither!

fouR, paRed, spaRe and maRvellous

fourteen, Sweet and Superb

medieval and modern Three

camels dUly UndUlate 

rejuVenated and liVely

narroW start but Wider by the end

seX PerpleX and gobsmaX

trY and climb, but diagonallY

the last buZZ 

A final shout out to Arlee Bird of Tossing it Out, the creator of the A–Z Challenge, and the entire awesome team of co-hosts for 2014.  

Arlee Bird: Tossing it Out
Alex J. Cavanaugh: Alex J. Cavanaugh
Stephen Tremp: Author Stephen Tremp
Tina Downey: Life is Good
Damyanti Biswas: Amlokiblogs
Jeremy Hawkins: [Being Retro]
Nicole Ayers: The Madlab Post
M. J. Joachim: M. J. Joachim's Writing Tips
Heather M. Gardner: The Waiting is the Hardest Part
AJ Lauer: Naturally Sweet
Pam Margolis: An Unconventional Librarian

My special thanks to Alex J CavanaughM.J.JoachimMadeline Mora-Summonte and last but not the least co-host Damayanti for sharing, commenting and keeping the morale high at all times throughout April. 

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