Saturday 3 June 2023

Keep it trimmed


Pack only the weight you yourself can lift

and it makes sense to prioritise.

The small often weighs way more than the big

it’s not always linked to size.


You’ll have to take off your shoes many times.

At security. Strange doors and streets.

Wear the most robust yet softest you find

and remember to put up your feet.


And there will be the unplanned layover

that’ll pounce out from simply nowhere

a light bag means you’ll keep your composure.

A delay won’t stop you getting there.


All routes don’t have to be perfectly straight,

enjoy the panoramas while you wait.

This one's addressed to the folks who're always in a hurry, get their tempers frayed by the least delay or deviation. Basically, they make it easy for the world to ruin their day and their travels in a million ways. My suggestions distilled from 50 plus years of air travel in the above. 

Enjoy the panorama, this one right here, because it's never going to happen again. This particular unfolding of the world to your particular gaze is never going to be repeated in its entirety again. Worth being mindful, because no situation or vista is ever all bad, there's always something of breathtaking beauty studded somewhere in the worst delays - you only have to look a bit close. Actually a delay isn't even a delay half the time, it's just a different route. Relax. Keep your eyes peeled, keep your mind calm. The gems come at you without notice and disappear without trace in a split second. Lamps must be ready, wicks correctly trimmed, if you're in places where power outages are quite common. In the ROTW - all devices fully charged. 


  1. True for travel - and life. Thank you.

    1. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it and wishing you comfortable shoes.

  2. I haven't traveled by plane in years. Decades but this is true for even travel by auto - pack light, enjoy the journey.

    1. I prefer surface travel any day! Much easier to enjoy the trip. Air travel is a different perspective of course, but post 2001 it's just not as much fun.

  3. Oh you capture way more than just plane travel here. Indeed - unpack so much. Keep it light. Excellent poem.

    1. Keeping it light is the hardest part I think :) Thanks.


  4. As always, Nila, you express a truth so succinctly. You're basically saying 'live in the moment', 'enjoy the journey, not just the destination'. Some things are out of our control. Delays are always more humorous looking back.

    1. Most things are beyond our control, so might as well wring out whatever joy we can! :)

  5. Enjoy the panorama! Well said..
