Sunday 14 January 2024



Photo by Heike Mintel on Unsplash

Have I wasted my time? Most of the visit

I spent in watching you sleep. The slow curve

of lashes on cheek. That’s the last habit

to wean off, the first rite mothers observe.

The easy rise and fall of the blankets

tuned to the rhythms of your resting breath,

and I listened for it as I sat and read

as if to listen is to ward off death.


I’ve checked on you a million times, my child

as an infant new born then suddenly grown.

In a moonbright night I come awake still

and listen...before I recall I’m alone,


only the wind stirs the trees, an austere

pair of stars blink, as though to blink back tears.

Hello, I'm back from the other end of the world! 

Shameless  poetic licence taken above, because well, I'm quite clear that no part of the visit was wasted. I've had a fantastic time, thanks to my hosts - friends and family, in all the places I've been to in the last month. Travelling during Christmas and New Year meant getting to see the American cities lit up and at their sparkling best. The weather remained graciously mild, a spattering of rain here and there, that's all. Though all that changed just as I flew out, the US weather reports are scary now - bitterly cold and likely to continue through next week. Stay safe and warm, folks out there!

It's not that I haven't watched my sleeping child - all parents do. That's nature's way of making sure the parents are doing their job. Even after the job is technically over. Watching a child sleeping is never a waste of time. Nothing is ever wasted or lost anyway, just transformed. That's actually a physical law. It's also a verse in the Bhagavad Gita.  

This year has begun well - in the company of my son, my childhood friends and my extended family. But I know it will be mixed, like all the others. A lot of uncertainties, transitions, anxieties are waiting to happen. However, an equal amount of learning, loveliness, kindness and fun are also waiting to be experienced. I just have to look hard enough, be mindful and not be so overwhelmed by the daily stresses as to miss the chances for laughter and learning. So that's the non-resolution for 2024, that is what I'm going to do - keep eyes peeled for the chances and make sure nothing is wasted, not a drop.  


  1. I love your non resolution. And hope I can follow suit. Welcome back.

  2. Hari OM
    Welcome into 2024 blogging once more. It sounds like you have hit the ground running - and are ready for the whatever fray comes your way. Cheers! YAM xx

  3. Happy New Year! I spent Christmas and New Year's with one of my daughters and her family in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was so good to spend so much time with them and to get out of the city.
    I wish the wars would end.

    1. Wow, we were quite close geographically on New Year's then! I was in Raleigh...Happy New Year to you and family.

  4. Lovely poem and a good non resolution. And indeed my goal is to stay observant and enjoy the teeniest things - light, shadows, nature, a giggle. Glad you had good travels and America behaved enough for you (!). Indeed, we are very cold in TX - went from 60F to 15F overnight. Brr Let's see what happens in 2024.

    1. Teeniest things are the ones that make for great enjoyment - hope your year is filled with those. Indeed America behaved impeccably for me :) <3

  5. Glad you had a good visit to the States. Yes, some places are bitter, bitter cold this week and many received a ton of snow.

    1. I had a wonderful visit, thank you. Just in the nick of time. Though I have to say it is reassuring to see the cold put back in winter, east and west both.

  6. Hi Nila - I think I might have thrown off my fogginess of the past year - why I've no idea .... but I shall now look forward to being more alive and able to join you and friends with your non-resolution thoughts. I've another few days before I can relax back into normality - but better to be busy and occupied than otherwise. Thanks so much for your 'Waste' poem ... never waste a moment of time - occasionally just relax into life ... welcome home and cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. I'm so glad that you're feeling yourself and the fogginess is history! :) Wishing you a wonderful time in 2024. <3
