Sunday 27 January 2019

On being sent a photo of a Nepali woman baking clay pots

Clay’s useful only when it’s hollowed out,
fired in unbearable kilns and hardened;
the base level, the shape even throughout,
but it’s fragile still, it'll crack in the end.
The potter breaks, though later than the pot,
and once they’ve broken - difficult to mend -
they could be stuck back, sure, but you cannot
unsee the cracks, the fault lines that’ve opened.

Slowly getting back on track, onward with the teeny-tiny and long titles. Or maybe I should have just called it 'Crackpot' :) 

Will be round to catch up on the reading soon.  Can't believe January's nearly over! Hope 2019 is treating you well.


  1. Some pots last infinitely longer than the potter. Which I find simultaneously sad and inspirational. A small piece of a person carried forward.

    1. True that! Centuries old pots and pans in the museums...pottery marks out history, both individual and entire cultures.

  2. Hi Nila - it's amazing how wonderful creations can last ... pottery from clay, bricks from clay ... as you comment to EC pottery marks out our history ... cheers Hilary

    1. Yup, pottery actually gives its name to entire civilisations - red and black ware culture, grey ware culture...Pottery, and also rivers characterise much of prehistory...

  3. Think of all the ancient pottery that's been dug up that far outlasted its maker.

    1. Absolutely - potshards are the first evidence of a settlement that archaeologists look for.

  4. clay is fragile, as are the creators. Good poem. Welcome back slowly. 2019 is moving along. Staying healthy is the key. Take care

    1. Thanks, Joanne. 2019 made some unexpected moves on me! :) But as you say staying healthy is the main thing...Wish you and yours the wealth of good health. Stay well.

  5. Not sure why this appealed to me so much, but it did!

    I love the long titles, by the way. (But if you ever do want to use a title like "Crackpot," maybe you could save it in case you ever decide to do a political post about the USA's President Trump.)

    1. I have to put in my 2 cents - this "cracked" me up. Crackpot is brilliant in regards to the Prez.

    2. Hey David and Joanne - don't go thinking USA has a monopoly on crackpot leaders/politicians, we have 'em too back where I come from. In fact, quite a collection of them and far wider 'cracks' in their 'pots' for sure. Eminently displayable. :) I don't normally do political posts/poetry here ( that a good or a bad thing?), but definitely filing away your suggestion for future use, thanks! :)
      Jokes apart, very glad the shutdown is over. Wishing all crackpot leaders out of office soonest and banished to a happy place of minimal influence.

    3. I rarely do political posts, either. But a month ago, I couldn't resist writing this one.

    4. Reading yours, I could be moved to do one too - who knows?
