Sunday 20 March 2022

Holi 2022


They come and go, the yellow flowers

and the festivals of spring.

Grief is also a celebration

and colours everything.

How different we were before death bloomed! –

loss, in its season, brings

flowers, fruits, the sharp stalks of harvest.

Loss, too is a blossoming.


And I’ve grown my own carapace

then taken it apart,

as a seed must destroy its casing

before new life can start.

I’ve morphed to a shoot that carries

grief’s grey sap through its heart.

Holi is the Indian festival of colours observed to mark the beginning of spring. 


  1. Hari OM
    I am ever in awe of your way with words, Nila! May life be coloured prettily for you, even as you carry the grey... YAM xx

    1. Thank you, Yamini! Much appreciated.

      After the last two years all of us are carrying some grey. Hopefully the other colours come back soon. Hugs.

  2. Beautifully true. I hope your new growth is strong...

    1. I am so very glad to see you here, EC! Thank you!

  3. Spring is a good time to emerge...or re-emerge as the case may be. I hope Holi 2022 brought some good energy for you. Take care

    1. A friend who's a cancer survivor posts a meme often on his wall - I have only two kinds of days - good days and better days. :) I am trying to use his philosophy. One day at a time. Spring is beautiful! Thank you for your wishes, Joanne.

  4. Hi Nila - you've expressed the sorrow of grief, then the new beginning when the carapace starts to disintegrate. The colours of Spring are so bright and joyful ... there's always life ahead - life blossoms on - with thoughts - Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary. You are so right, life doesn't stop for anything. Everything has two sides to it and one side is always good, we just have to nose around and find it.
