Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Image courtesy Rashmi Bhatnagar

the year has suddenly paled to november
the sun wears comical visors to the front
the palm wearies of the weight of her fruits
shakes down the dates, red and oblong


evenings drop in on silken feet, rake their fingers
through the last strands of golden hair
nights harden but can’t nail their hearts
I’ll spear mine though with pigeon-throat songs


the sacred figs sharpen their leaves and remember
to observe ancient ratios of points to lengths
autumn colour grass somewhere in richlands
itches in yellow splashes on the ground


the seagull unravels a wave, and pretender
horizons masked in grey scarves of time
roll in, roll in and then recede and go home
I’ll  go find mine in a verse of woodwind sounds.

Shared at dVerse


  1. many atmospheric images..evenings drop in on silken feet..the seagulls, the verse of woodwind sounds...i didn't get my full dose of autumn yet... being here in the L.A. region for a few weeks, i had an extended summer though...

    1. Being on the Med Coast, I get a less colourful but more extended autumn...thanks for reading

  2. the woodwind sounds....and the rather funny image of the sun wearing a visor right up front....some wonderful imagery as well to go with the season that i love most dear....i wish autumn would stay a while...

    1. great to see you today....hope you are well...

    2. Thank you! Autumn is clearly a favourite with most writers :) wonderful to see you here today, and many thanks

  3. I love the way you have characterized November. Some beautiful expressions within your poem! I especially like "in a verse of woodwind sounds."

  4. This is full of original imagery, punctuated by some breathtaking lines. Autumn is my favorite season but unfortunately here in the Rocky Mountains it is very short. Delightful verse.

    1. Breathtaking colours to yours I am sure. Would love to see autumn in Rocky mtns!Thanks

  5. so wonderful.
    " evenings drop in on silken feet, rake their fingers
    through the last strands of golden hair"
    loved this! beautiful imagery.

  6. This is just terrific. So many beautiful lines and descriptions. The raking fingers, the itch of the light - just wonderful. Really beautifully done. k.
