Monday, 16 March 2015

First gold

Nature’s first gold is leaf, and grain;
far easier to love and obtain
than mere metal, however rare.
Yet grass is ignored, metals reign.


  1. Hi Nila - yet grass is so important. I heard about a Chaplain who is around the port when merchant ships port up ... and some Indian ship workers eventually asked if they could go ashore and feel the grass! The Chaplain took them to a park ... if you're cooped up for months at time at sea .. I guess the freedom of being able to walk on the grass and smell fresh air .. would be important. Cheers Hilary

  2. Hi Nila. Something to think about. I love those war poems using the motif of the little blade of grass surviving on the death fields, looking so much more intelligent than humans fighting each other, yes, and who prefer the heavy metal guns, bayonets and other gruesome instruments.

    Hope you are well and happy there in Bahrain.

    Denise :-)

  3. Now that's quite some food for thought :)

  4. So much said in so few lines! Good take on the golden posts I've been seeing.

  5. Cereals are grasses, so grass is important in ways basic and luxurious @Hilary

    Happy in Bahrain, though grasses not much in evidence. Grass on battlefields is such an evocative metaphor. @Denise

    Grass is food! :) @Sabeeha

    The rubai is a neat form, punches above its weight :) @Jennifer
