Wednesday, 27 April 2016

W is for William

is for William(s)

Can't have it all, mate!

William S. was a golden lad, all told.
His fancy and its flights were purest gold -
he wrote up some blizzards,
each of them zillion words,
but the head that housed his brain was quite bald.

No-one gets the whole world on a plate
whether he's Will S, or Will of Kate.
A prince or a pauper,
or a nonpareil author -
can't cadge one damn hair to grow on his pate.

Who else but Will S Will you post about this month of this year? His birth and death anniversary are both in April, and this year is the 400th anniversary of his death, and we are still reading his sonnets and watching his plays.  That's some serious best-selling numbers! 

As for Will of Kate, though  he emulates the bard in hair-dos and anniversaries, and seems to be an all round good egg generally, I have my doubts whether his legacy to the English-speaking Wider World will be of the same magnitude after 400 years. No Way!

And I Wonder if William S had ever anticipated the changes his language Would go through in 400 years? I'm sure anyone doing the A-Z in 2416 would be using different Words. And I bet vowels will have disappeared entirely, I mean this para would probably be Written like this - 

n wndr f wllm s hd vr ntcptd d chngs hs lngg wd g thru n 400 y? m sr ny1 dng d B-Z 2416 wd b usng dff wrds. n bt vwls wl hv dspprd ntrly, mn ds pr wd prbly b wrttn lk ds -

and of course, capitals would be part of an ancient ritual, and using a comma would put you at par with the Wonderfully esoteric.

And We the last Weekers of this challenge are almost done, Whew! and Wow!

Posted for the A-Z Challenge 2016 


  1. I do hope we get to keep commas and capitalization. I'd be lost reading without them. :) As far as posting, I'm ooking forward to the end of this a to z madness.

    1. Me too. On all three - commas, capitals and posts :)

  2. Very clever! Loved your poem.
    Trisha FAye

  3. William. What a perfect writer W word:)

    1. My other favouritest William would be William B Y. :) thanks for visiting

  4. lol!(sorry!) Where there's a Will there's a way or so they say! Absolutely brilliant, I loved every bit of it.

    My A-Z story features 4 neglected W words

    1. No amount of will could have grown the hair back on Will :)

  5. That's what they say about time travel - go two hundred years in either direction and you won't be able to communicate properly.

    1. For this century, that 200 year limit must be revised - anyone from say 1900 visiting now would not understand what was going on with most of our current nouns..

  6. Good one for W. I had forgotten that it was the 400th anniversary. I wouldn't mind if some of those punctuation marks went away. Perhaps then I wouldn't make so many errors! Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  7. Congratulations Nila for this ... I love the paragraph for 2416 - it looks like we're reverting to medieval writing and lingo ...

    Cheers and nearly there - Hilary

    1. Will's walked off the stage the applause continues...thanks for being here Hilary...and so glad and sad we're almost there :)

  8. Well done. Thanks for sharing and dropping by my blog. returning the favor.

  9. Where there's a Will there's a way for you to make it your own written word Well done!

  10. Haha! Fun rhymes :)
    I am seeing a lot of people writing about Will S this month. I wish I could get to London to see some of the performances in celebration...

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary

  11. Love it, so witty:-)
    martine @ silencing the bell

  12. Whew and Wow indeed! Love your speculation on the fate of the English language.

    1. Just a couple more letters can you believe it?! April has just zoomed past..

  13. Humorous and smart...and scarily accurate too!!

    Language is constantly evolving. That's something we cannot escape.
    So your thoughts about an A to Z Challenge in 2416 are VALID AND SCARY.
    What will become of the English language? How much will it evolve and to what extent? Your points about the absence of vowels and punctuation is fairly spot on, since communication is driven by technological advancements and instant gratification lifestyle, which includes shortening words (text speak)etc.

    (P.S. I'm doing follow up...have you received your copy of Echoes: Reflections Through Poetry And Verse by Dean K. Miller?)
    Writer In Transit

    1. It's quite scary how insidious the changes creep in...emoticons replacing the exclamation marks for instance.
      (Yes, Echoes is here, please check you inbox Michelle! Or maybe your junk mail folder? Looking forward to reading it once the A-Z is over. Thank you both once again!)

  14. It is endlessly fascinating how many words Will S. has contributed to our language. His head was too busy to grow hair.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. Too hot under the scalp...all those neurons sparking all the time...

  15. Yes, Nila, this month has been a Whirlwind, but We're almost there! You've Weathered this challenge with your usual style and delightful Wit! Wonderful job!

    1. Not done yet! :) hardest letters coming up...

      Thanks for your support Susan, and I've loved reading your posts.

  16. Wunderbar! While I whiled away the whole year writing worthless words, worthy writers wrote whole works for the AtoZ, woe betides me now as I worm my way to the end. Will S was wow to have written all those wonderful works complete with so many 'esoteric' words thee's thou's and shalts abounded! I shan't miss the punctuation or the capitals at all, the vowels maybe!
    @KalaRavi16 from

  17. Oh dear, no vowels, where would we be. I actually use this as my shorthand. LOL

    1. I tried using this as shorthand and then couldn't figure out what I'd written when I tried to read it back! :)

  18. Those are great rhymes, and I'm glad I saved your theme to come back to your posts - thoroughly enjoying them (but need to fill in the ones I've missed!)
    Jemima Pett

  19. W is for Wow

    sample of 6/5 limerick

    How Cheap Is William (limerick)

    She wouldn’t say husband was cheap
    He just had a budget to keep
    Don’t laugh and be still
    She now calls him Will
    ‘cause when he hears Bill how he’d weep

    (follow beats in lines 3, 4, 5)

  20. Wonderful..
    yes.. and history will have a chapter on how the vowels became extinct!! That was hilarious!

    #AtoZChallenge - W is for Wisdom
