Friday, 22 April 2016

S is for Socrates

is for Socrates

A wise man was Socrates, the greatest
philosopher of his age, his test
of three - useful, good, and true
made idle gossip taboo,
but that isn’t always for the best.

Socrates was clearly no Othello -
an entirely different kettle, that fellow,
and his take on gossip and wives;
and the sudden taking of lives
minus due diligence using a pillow.

Neither good nor bad can be absolute
perceptions change, so the point is moot
it doth one gobsmack
how Socrates could lack
the pea-size glob of sense to work this oot.

S iS  for Samantha RedStreake Geary,  Sci-fi, and SumptuouSwhich iS what her work and her blog iS. A feaSt for the eyeS, earS, brain and mind.  Also for Super-thrilled, which is what I am today.  Click on her name and See why for yourSelveS.

Posted for the A-Z Challenge 2016 


  1. Replies
    1. Great. Because there's more in store. Seven or eight. :)

  2. S is for stupendose, appreciate you sharing

  3. Ditto on the above comments. You've won this challenge as far as I'm concerned!
    Isn't Samantha amazing. Such fun to be included in her creativity!
    I'm less volatile today. LOL At peace with all. Turned off the news and switched on the music!

    1. Still a week more to go before any survivors emerge. Samantha is totally amazing! Her blog is just delightful.
      Glad you've got the music on and the news off - way to keep cool.

  4. This is all kinds of awesomeness! That last line clinched it. Thank you for the sweet shout-out! It was a pleasure to have you visit my fictional world:)

    The AtoZ of EOS

    1. It was pure amazing to visit Viridis! thanks you for the trip :)

  5. Loved the Socrates jam. I think you should set it to music. Perhaps a rap?!
    p.s. Athena writing is my totem!

  6. You got Socrates just right. Clicking to see what I can see.

  7. Replies
    1. Now that looks like an interesting post...coming over to you right after.

  8. Hi Nila - it's great to read these as I'm reminded I need to keep learning and remembering ... and I must get over to Samantha R G .. and read up on her posts ..cheers Hilary

    1. You will have enjoyed yourself!... her blog is stupendous, borrowing Martin's word here..

  9. Silly me all I remember of Socrates is him being a Greek philosopher! Didn't he have some really smart and famous students? Don't have the energy to browse google more! S too shall pass!
    @KalaRavi16 from

    1. Haha yes it has already now, T-day's here. And yes, Socrates did have brainy and famous students - Plato and Xenophon and Aristotle among them. Aristotle went on to tutor Alexander, and possibly had something to do with him becoming Great...

  10. Very nice! The verse in Othello is really good. Ah, you've also been kidnapped into Eos? Off to read your adventures, then ;)
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs

  11. Congrats on blog star status from Samantha. I agree. And I bet Socrates would too

    1. Socrates was too high principled for his own good sometimes

  12. And just stay away from Hemlock Smoothies, I'm thinking.

  13. "Useful, good, and true" are wonderful criteria. Especially "useful" because there is way too much not-useful stuff in the world.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends
