Sunday 3 May 2020

How much?

The question is - how much time? mere six weeks
to knit bones, much less than that for a scratch,
forty days for the womb to rest and bleed
out its slow postpartum debris, to catch
its breath after birth. Exactly how much
time after death is the trauma safe to touch?
All my days are sleepless nights far too deep
for tears. It was she who taught me not to weep.

She was a little old school, but it’s rubbed
off - knit into the brain, the mesh of neurons
and won’t unravel, however hard I tug.
I touch this wound only when I’m alone
and my fingers come away wet, not with blood
or tears, any fluid I have ever known.

April was a monumental month, a whirlwind of events public and personal - some terrible, some devastating, some just bad and some not so bad. 

I failed the A-Z 2020 Challenge because I couldn't comment/visit, though my posts all got done as per schedule. I withdrew halfway through. 

I was absent from the WEP Challenge for the first time since I joined. The support, well wishes and prayers from my fellow WEPers were...just beyond words. They chose to award this entry, which was pre-written and scheduled, of course. What can I say? To all those who wrote here and at the WEP site, emailed or used other social media channels to reach out - thank you! But thank you doesn't even begin to cut it. 


  1. That was nice they gave you an award!
    Visiting and returning comments is the hardest part of the Challenge.

    1. I visited around 50% of the list, this year I started with a goal of 100%.

  2. Hari OM
    Heal now, Nila - the rest can wait... YAM xx

  3. Hey, you did a big part of the challenge -- maybe the biggest part -- and life got in the way of the rest. The road trip is coming; you can catch up on your visiting then. You didn't fail!

    1. Thank you. I do intend to get back to the list and see how much I can cover.

  4. The posts will be there whenever you feel like it. Or if you don't, don't worry about that.

    It takes how ever long it takes. Sometimes something reminds of someone who is gone and it can catch me off guard and take me back to the overwhelming hole that they left and I weep again. After decades.

  5. Heartfelt hugs and oceans of caring are flowing your way.
    I devoured your A-Z and revelled in your WEP piece. So many enticing by-ways to wander down, to lose myself down, to find myself down.
    Many, many thanks.
    And yes, some pain hurts too much to cry. Or to swear.

    1. Thank you, I am so grateful for the prayers and strength you and the rest of WEP have sent my way.

  6. You succeeded. All of your posts were awesome and we learned so much and also worried about you, cared about you, and were with you. I'm sorry for so much that hit you. Glad to see this post and just know that I care.

    1. oh, and lovely poem that says SO much.

    2. Thank you for your many kindnesses, Joanne.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. We missed you desperately but we had your words to see us through. And now you've found the words to get you here again. "how much time?"
    As long as it takes...your friends will always wait. If you're not ready for June, I will step in. Call on me for any and all tasks!

    1. Thank you so much, Renee. I have been thinking about this...

    2. I second Renee, Nila. I don't know if you feel ready. It might be best to have June off. Up to you. And your April WEP entry was much loved, as are you. When you feel able...x

    3. Thanks so much, Denise. I'll be in touch about this soon.
