Tuesday 22 February 2022



Sometimes, an explosion will defuse time’s bomb

and sometimes, a stranger will lead you back home.

Sometimes, a puddle becomes a river mouth,

the true north is lost but you find a true south.


Sometimes, a door might be only a panel,

whitewaters be an irrigation channel.

The days might turn from you like opposing poles

and sometimes the polestar becomes a black hole.


Sometimes, your courage will shrink to a splinter,

all tracks will vanish in cold depths of winter,

words will seem meaningless, maps will feel flawed.

Know that the road chooses you, not you the road.


Wherever they diverge, each fork and each bend -

trust them. They’ll take you to the journey’s right end.


  1. I love this, especially the "know that the road chooses you, not you the road". So many of us have been set on different paths in the past two years due to COVID. That's what this poem makes me think of.

    1. True. Covid has taken so many of us to unimaginable bends and forks. Travelling blind mostly. Thank you for reading.

  2. Hari Om
    The last two lines could stand alone... but also reflect that very confluence and divergence, lovely!!! YAM xx

    1. The ghazal (which in my mind is the eastern counterpart to sonnet) is structured so that each couplet must stand alone but also fit into the overall scheme. :) Come to think of it, nearly all of life is structured the same - must stand alone and yet be part of the whole. <3

  3. sometimes....oh yes, and oh my. "Courage will shrink to a splinter". Love that and that the road chooses you. Trust - that's a big step in "sometimes".
    Nila, you are capturing some days of mine - dang!

    1. My courage is permanently at splinter level now haha...But seriously, I do feel we each of us end up where we are meant to be.

  4. "Wherever they diverge, each fork and each bend -

    trust them. They’ll take you to the journey’s right end."

    Exquisitely written.

  5. Hi Nila - this was superb ... and your comment to Yam: "Come to think of it, nearly all of life is structured the same - must stand alone and yet be part of the whole" ... we are a part of life's journey - ours and others. Cheers Hilary

    1. Yes, true that! All with our individual places in the universe and our unique and amazing parts to play in it...completely agree with you. Stay well, Hilary.
