Sunday 9 June 2024



The longest ten years of this life were spent

in waiting for the tide to turn, the run

of bad luck to abate. And for someone

to stand alongside and say - we hadn't meant

this by the mandate, it was all a mistake.

That we must speak ill of the friends with whom

we'd built sandcastles. That there was no room

for shared air or dreams - that our pasts don't make

us us, we're the sums of our differences.

That you're not me and I am not you - 

and we must observe our separate taboos,

confined to neighbourhoods scarred by fences.

Yes, the longest ten years. But now we're done.

And breathing out is enough celebration.

Hello, hello, long time! The longest I've been away from my home on the web, which is the only steadfast unchanging home I've been able to live in so far. It's been too long. Though I did pop into the WEP catch up post early this month. 

A quick update - the vision issues are still ongoing, the tsunami of graduated eye drops will continue for the near future, I'm still running in circles round the ophthalmology clinic.  Life has also handed me a few other lemons to make lemonade with meanwhile. However, on the plus side I was able to vote! after nearly 30 years, that improved my mood no end. And the outcomes have been better than expected! Go, democracy!

I've got a bit fed up of being fed up, I'm totally not cut out for the perpetual grumpies. So I thought I'll write myself to a better place. And here I am. A fresh start at a blogging schedule. I'm aiming for twice a month for now and hopefully will be able to step it up and get back to my weekly posting routine sometime sooner rather than later.

I hope life has been smooth and beautiful for you meanwhile. Hope to catch up with you shortly. 



  1. It is lovely to see a post from you - and I really, really hope the flood of lemons abates.

  2. Hari OM
    Ditto ECs comment... and adding in some healing vibes for those eyes. Also YAY for the Indian public where common sense appears to have taken hold! YAM xx

    1. About time re the common sense. Hope it spreads round the world! Thank you for the well wishes.

  3. Sorry your eye problems continue. Cool you finally got to vote again!

    1. Thanks. The engagement in the elections was a real mood lifter.

  4. I'm sorry about your eye troubles! Mine seem to be holding steady, although the pressure is not down as low as they want it to be. I'm glad Modi didn't get the mandate he wanted. May the trend continue.
    I look forward to reading more from you!!

    1. Thank you. I'm glad to hear your eyes are steady, may that continue.

  5. Happy to greet you again and let's drink lemonade together. Continued good luck with your eyes - so important. Congrats on voting. Sometimes it's hard to know from news if things are good or bad on that end of the world. I count on you to interpret through poems. Let's look up and smile. You do have blogland as an anchor. Cheers.

    1. Hi Joanne! Raising my glass of lemonade to you :) Blogland is one of my loveliest anchors, thank you for adding to its sparkle.

  6. It's wonderful to read your words again.

    Yes to democracy! Last month, we also voted in our 7th democratic election. Interesting and exciting times ahead for us.

    Hope you're well, Nila.

    1. Thank you, Michelle! Yeah, elections in many countries this year. Elections in SA always interesting for me personally, a key player in my favourite continent. :) Wishing you a wonderful year ahead, both politically and individually.

  7. Your comment about eye drops had me smiling because I had cataract surgery in February and the eye drop ritual was more than a bit confusing for me. Love your poem to which I offer a toast with lemonade.
