Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Z is for ze end


Well, it's time to zip it up after posting a zillion photos...

Zebra crossing, Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata, India.

Zebra crossing, near Natural History Museum, Raleigh, NC.

Zebra crossing, P&G Plaza, Cincinnati, OH.

Zebra crossing, Dealey Plaza/Elm Street, Dallas, TX. 

Zebra crossing, Constitution Ave, Washington DC. 

Zebra crossing, Victoria Parade, Suva, Fiji. 

Zebra, crossing. Masai Mara, Kenya. 

Zebra not crossing. Sheep crossing. St Catherine, Sinai, Egypt.

Well, that's it. Another April, another A-Z, muddled through somehow. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.  Big fat thank yous to all those who visited and encouraged. 

For the last few days, my eye has been super sore. And closed for the most part. Back as soon as this never ending rubbish is sorted, hopefully sooner rather than later.

A very happy May to all!

Posted for the A-Z Challenge 2024


  1. Congratulations for finishing this year's A to Z under trying circumstances! I never knew those were called zebra crossings and I like the actual zebra crossing in the middle of it.

  2. Great job as always, and this end was great!

  3. Hari OM
    Zapped it!!! Now take what time you need to get that eye sorted... YAM xx

  4. Echoing Yam - and seriously impressed at your zealous approach to the challenge.

  5. Zebra crossings! I love it. Please, take care of that eye now. We can rest! Congratulations on completing A to Z.

  6. Zounds! You did a super good job. Congrats on completing A to Z.

  7. Hi Nila - zebra ending ... congratulations on deciding to join in - well done. I'm going backwards now ... cheers Hilary
