Saturday 22 June 2024



Photo by Foad Roshan on Unsplash

Sometimes, even the winds can’t imagine

how far they’ll take the dandelion seeds,

the river can’t tell where the rocks fall in,

the exact direction of the whirlpools’ spin,

how low branches – by inches, come to impede

shore hugging small crafts. Force them to cross –

midstream. Sometimes, even gods are at a loss.


Those who are always buffeted by fate

directionless, in search of a place to peg –

a mooring from where to learn to navigate,

to untangle themselves and lay limbs out straight,

know that walking has least to do with legs.

Know that feet themselves can be the maelstrom

regardless of where they go or come from.

Strange things have been happening to the weather here, Kolkata has been giving itself airs that it is the Arabian desert. Though it's got the temperatures almost correct, it's way off the mark in humidity and the result is an unbearable mix.

The lemonade is certainly coming in handy, no dearth of lemons here, further ones have materialised since I posted here last - hey, we have a never ending supply! As usual poetry - both reading and writing, is a peg of sorts and therapy and a huge comfort. As is the blog and your company. Hope you are cooler and more comfortable wherever you are logging in from. Thank you for being here. 


  1. It's been hot here in Atlanta, but not Arabian desert hot. Doesn't cool off until after midnight. The air conditioner makes it cool all the time. Was it cooler decades ago when we lived in the south with no air conditioning? Was I just younger? Is it slowly becoming the fire next time?

    1. Definitely the entire world was cooler. Less heat waves in Europe, less forest fires the world over, less ice caps melting.

  2. I have been watching the temperatures from your side of the world and shuddering. Teamed with humidity? Bleah.
    I am glad you have some pegs at least.
    Stay as cool as you can.

    1. It's been horrid. Choice between the devil and the deep blue sea - the ACs and their collective impact. Keeping well hydrated and trying to keep a hold on sanity :) Hope you're well.

  3. Hari OM
    Kerazy klimate... here in midsummer Scotland, we are having low temps and even snow on the high tops. Temps may rise a bit now - but will never equal that which you all are enduring over there. At least not this year... YAM xx

    1. Well, hopefully never. Unpredictable climate is unnerving, apart from the physical discomfort.

  4. Hi Nila - yet down here on the south coast - suddenly it's summer - temps for us fairly hot in the 20s degree C, but for many a comfortable feel - also of course we have the sea breeze - lucky us ... cheers and all the best ... I'd struggle with it. Hilary

    1. The sea makes a multitude of ills bearable! I do miss having it near by. Thanks, Hilary.

  5. Whew! I think your hot winds and extra humidity have arrived in Texas. The whole USA is a heat dome. Our pool went from refreshing to a spa overnight (yes, first world problem, but still...) Take care, enjoy that lemonade, and sit under a fan.

    1. Heat dome is correct! The fan and I are inseparable!
