Tuesday, 29 December 2015


Can’t say if he’s my north and south, my sea and earth,
but I know he’s my compass always pointing true.
He’s the track I lose sometimes, he’s its frantic search.
The jet contrail aiming home through the clearest blue.

He’s the stone fortress and its secret passageway;
the arched roof of tunnels; the stem of the goblet.
He’s the fizzing froth of light that makes up the day;
he’s that single star improving on the sunset.

Not my working week, no, he’s my blessed sabbath -
the spine of sacredness binding leaves of routine;
he’s my quiet street, my escape route, my private booth;
he is my ruby wine, he's my strongest caffeine.

He isn’t my voice or tongue, neither a song nor hymn.
He is not life or love.  Only their synonym.

Back at the usual spot on the couch after the travels, much enjoyed the break and enjoying being back at rest too. That closes my year here, which has been good, writing-wise and otherwise, closing it now with gratitude and hope. Happy New Year 2016!


  1. Now that is beautiful. And very evocative. I hope your cup runs over with that precious ruby wine.

  2. Hi Nila - love these words

    "He’s the fizzing froth of light that makes up the day;
    he’s that single star improving on the sunset."

    Wonderful words ... they resonate so well at this time of year ... fizzing ahead in 2016 - cheers Hilary

    1. Best wishes for a fizzing 2016 to you too, Hilary!

  3. I think this is one of your loveliest, Nila, and your poems set the bar very high! Wishing you and yours a wonderful New Year with much to celebrate.

    1. Thank you, Susan. Best wishes to you too for an awesome 2016.

  4. Replies
    1. Good to be back! Pleased you liked the ending.

  5. Better than being their antonym right? Am i right? Just playing with words. This poem was quite thought provoking and i had to read it slowly and really soak in the words.

    1. Absolutely right - better than being the antonym! Though not sure what is the antonym for love really - hate? indifference? Whatever they are, I am keeping my distance from them :)
