Sunday, 23 July 2017

Street Urchin

Happiness comes in narrow corridors
where no furniture achieves the right fit
and wall art doesn’t improve the décor -
nothing manages to lift the minute.
It arrives unbidden - a street urchin
who you nearly shoo away before
you understand what the ragamuffin
carries in his pocket that could be yours.

Even the child doesn’t know the value
of the stone he’s picked up from the trash heap,
he holds it out in exchange for a meal
and its gleam’s a thousand dancing lives deep
in its heart slowly pirouetting and you
forget narrow corridors, walls and chenille.

Since I'm travelling, my posts through July and August are scheduled, but I will check in whenever I can and respond. Meanwhile, you have the happiest summer/season!


  1. Happiness needs no furniture, nor wall art. And where it fills a room, a heart, the decor is perfect.

  2. Happiness is precious, we make our own happiness likewise unhappiness.
    Wonderful poem to read.


  3. This poem slinks through the narrow spaces and bursts with a glittering grin to reveal elusive happiness. Excellent.
    Hope your travels are progressing well

  4. Uplifting composition. Thank you

  5. Hi Nila - happiness for the urchin, while we can marvel at the gleams dancing from the stone ... happiness means different things to each of us - but if we can help those who need extra, so that they can smile ... we are all blessed. Cheers Hilary

  6. Enjoyed the poem, then my eye was caught by the Jethro Tull video on your sidebar. Except for the "Aqualung" CD, which I occasionally play at the flea market at which I set up on Sundays, I haven't heard any Tull in a while.

  7. Logging in on borrowed and/or dodgy connections - monsoons make everything a bit blurry here :) sorry can't respond individually as I'd like. Travels going very well, thanks.
    Thanks also to y'all for visiting and reading. Best wishes always.
