Wednesday 28 April 2021

W is for ... Water


I just needed to sort myself out, so I thought I'll have a look through the albums of pre-pandemic times and sit quietly - do something without words. So I made this video themed around water. The sound and sight of which calms me.  I hope you'll enjoy watching - 

A-Z Challenge 2021    


  1. Wonderful.
    Water is a benison - and thank you for this beautiful reminder.

  2. Hi Nila - that was wonderful ... I loved the music and your photos - gorgeous to listen to and watch. Water is life and such a necessary substance for us all and so many do not have the freedom we have with our water. Gorgeous ... thank you - all the best and with thoughts - Hilary

  3. Water trickling over rocks is my fave, or a day at the beach just watching the waves, or....
    Wonderful! Thanks for this video. Now I must go fill my water bottle and head to work. I'm thirsty.
