Friday, 7 September 2012

Might as well be quiet

Every symbol feels inadequate, might as well be quiet.
Silence isn’t something to regret, might as well be quiet.


Colourful things have wept their colours, the dark weaves its thoughts
and lays them down before the sunset, might as well be quiet.


The breeze loses the perfumes of light, the warmth’s wrenched away
but it murmurs low and still delicate might as well be quiet.


The match burns out way before the candle can be lit
the wick’s too short, or the wax too set, might as well be quiet.


Even when the lightning flashes, it flickers too much to see
who’s here to listen and who’s the poet, might as well be quiet.

Linked to dVerse  where they are talking about symbols.


  1. ah no...don't be quiet..symbols seem to have a fleeting nature sometimes except the well worn ones and we're always searching for new ones, don't we...

    1. love poetry that explores new symbols...thanks for reading!

  2. if they get you to be quiet, you have surely lost the battle...some fun rhythm to this one...nice symbolism in the candle...and we always create new ones surely...

    1. Not very good at being quiet :) the rhyme scheme for this one is based on the ghazal - an Eastern form which is characterised by the repetition of a phrase/word after the rhyme word...the ghazal has its own set of stylised symbols, which is why it came to my mind at the prompt

  3. But I bet you aren't! Nicely done.

    1. Always difficult for me to know when to keep quiet...thank you for the visit, reading and feedback

  4. There's a challenging tension between the passion of the writing and the proposed quietism of the message. Very nicely managed. I like the chanted repetition of the tagline and the sense at the end that the message will be disregarded.

    1. Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated. The message will surely be disregarded...too many words bubbling everywhere..
